Kingsburg 4-H Exhibitor Feature – Mia Azevedo

The first-ever Big Fresno Fair Virtual Livestock Sale kicks-off on Friday, October 9 at 11 a.m. and goes until Monday, October 12 at 11:59 p.m. The Virtual Livestock sale will feature nearly 500 animals from dedicated and hard-working 4-H and FFA members throughout Fresno County.   Leading up to the sale, we’ll be featuring 4-H … Continue reading “Kingsburg 4-H Exhibitor Feature – Mia Azevedo”

The first-ever Big Fresno Fair Virtual Livestock Sale kicks-off on Friday, October 9 at 11 a.m. and goes until Monday, October 12 at 11:59 p.m. The Virtual Livestock sale will feature nearly 500 animals from dedicated and hard-working 4-H and FFA members throughout Fresno County.


Leading up to the sale, we’ll be featuring 4-H & FFA exhibitors from participating chapters to highlight their animal project and all their hard work, while also giving buyers and our community a glimpse of animals they can bid on!


Meet Mia Azevedo, a Kingsburg 4-H club member:


“My name is Mia Azevedo – I am 14 years old and have completed five years in the Kingsburg 4-H Club. I am in the horse, hippology, dairy goat, dairy market goat, public speaking and HI-C project groups. My passion is horses but goats are a close second. This is my third year to do dairy goats and my first year to do a meat goat project. I am planning to do a dairy goat breeding project in the ‘20–‘21 project year.


Last year a friend of our purchased my dairy goat (Holly) and a pregnant goat (Epi) from another project member; these goats are being AI bred in September 2020 and will be the start of my project. Epi has twin does in February 2020 and one of these was going to be my dairy goat for the 2020 Big Fresno Fair. Unfortunately there was a dog attack and the babies were killed. My dairy goat leader did have a goat to purchase that I could use for this year. Her name is Avani and is a Toggenberg/LaMancha cross. I got my meat goat from my goat leader as well. He is a LaMancha and his name is Chef Remy.


This year has been challenging but we were optimistic and started the year as we have in past years. We worked with our goats to prepare for whatever was going to happen. I will miss the traditional Fair experience and meeting and talking with the public, potential buyers and the 4-H kids from other clubs. I realized the importance of human (and animal) contact for our physical and mental well-being.”


Help out these hard-working students in the community! Participate in the sale as a buyer or place an add-on bid! Every bit helps out these kids who’ve been working all year to get to where they are now. For more information about the Virtual Livestock Auction and how you can participate, click here.