There are only 225 days until the 2020 Big Fresno Fair! What are you looking forward to most? The entertainment of live horse racing? Taking a step back in time in the Fresno County Historical Museum? Enjoying your favorite performers? Experiencing wild and crazy carnival rides? The delicious Fair Food? We want to know! Don’t … Continue reading “225 Days Until the 2020 BFF!”
There are only 225 days until the 2020 Big Fresno Fair! What are you looking forward to most? The entertainment of live horse racing? Taking a step back in time in the Fresno County Historical Museum? Enjoying your favorite performers? Experiencing wild and crazy carnival rides? The delicious Fair Food? We want to know! Don’t miss the 2020 Big Fresno Fair, October 7 – 18!
2 thoughts on “225 Days Until the 2020 BFF!”
What is the theme of the 2020 fair?
The theme for this year is “Adventure to the Past” focusing on the Renaissance Era!
What is the theme of the 2020 fair?
The theme for this year is “Adventure to the Past” focusing on the Renaissance Era!