The Big Fresno Fair’s Exhibits Handbook is available for the 2019 Big Fresno Fair, which runs October 2-14. All individuals desiring to participate competitively as a Fair exhibitor – such as 4-H and FFA members, craftsmen, cooks, gardeners, seamstresses, quilters, artists, photographers, potters and others – can pick up their Exhibits Handbook at the Fresno Fairgrounds now or at your local Chamber of Commerce.
The Handbook, which is also available online, includes all requirements, deadlines and entry forms. Did you know that you can also enter online? The Hard Entry deadline is Friday, September 6 and the deadline for Online Entries is Monday, September 9!
If you have questions regarding the 2019 Big Fresno Fair Exhibits Handbook, call (559) 453-6890. http://bit.ly/CompetitiveExhibits19